
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Hi Chris. Thank you for always supplying raw materials for SHAKA BRAND CBD products.
Hi Chris. Thank you for always supplying raw materials for SHAKA BRAND CBD products.
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
どういたしまして、そしてこちらこそありがとう!僕らのパートナーシップは、とても良い関係だと思います。 ShakaBrandの商品は、しっかりとした知識のもとに商品がデザインされているので、CBD原料の供給元としてShakaBrandと関係を築けることはとても光栄です。またShakaBrandの人気商品である日焼け止めを含めた様々なサステイナブルな商品群に、CBDを使用した商品があることは、より先進的で時代の最先端として注目を集めると思います。文化的な側面も含め、また健康機能の面でも、より的確な説明責任が必要な時なので、日本向けに原料を供給できる機会を設けて頂いてありがとうございます。
Yeah, you're welcome. It's an honor. The partnership is very strong, very organic, with your chemistry background, with your biology background, with everything that you've done with SHAKA brand. It was a really great fix to help partly in the sunscreen wellness component into something a little bit more advanced, a little bit more modern, a little bit more cutting edge as far as health, as far as culture, as far as overall recreations concern. Thanks for giving us the opportunity.
Yeah, you're welcome. It's an honor. The partnership is very strong, very organic, with your chemistry background, with your biology background, with everything that you've done with SHAKA brand. It was a really great fix to help partly in the sunscreen wellness component into something a little bit more advanced, a little bit more modern, a little bit more cutting edge as far as health, as far as culture, as far as overall recreations concern. Thanks for giving us the opportunity.
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
では、まず初めにどうしてカンナビス 事業を起業したのか?きっかけなどを教えて頂けますか?
We would like to ask a bit about other distributions in the United States. Please tell us what made you decide to start working in cannabis industry.
We would like to ask a bit about other distributions in the United States. Please tell us what made you decide to start working in cannabis industry.
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
アメリカでは、まずカンナビスは 非常に長い間使用されてきたという時代背景があります。もちろん文化的な側面もありますが、今は世界的に医療的な側面つまり医薬品としての機能が非常に注目されています。例えば、欧米では既に難治性てんかんの症状を抑える抗てんかん薬の1つとしてCBDが承認されていますし、また癌患者向けに症状緩和や食欲増進といった目的で医療用大麻として処方使用がされています。ハワイ州でも2017年から医療目的での「大麻の購入」がライセンスを保持している販売者から可能となり、医療目的での「大麻の使用」は2000年に州議会で法案可決されています。2000年の医療目的での「使用」合法化は全米初という事もあり、ハワイ州が先進的に大麻の有用性を承認してきた姿勢が窺われます。2000年から2017年までの間は「使用」は合法化されていましたが、「購入」は合法化されていませんでした。実に17年もの間、「使用」は合法で「購入」は違法という曖昧な状況が続いていました。患者さん達の多くが、処方される医療用大麻だけではなく、規制がされてないブラックマーケットでの購入に頼っていた状態です。そこで議会がやっと動き出し、医療用大麻を必要としている患者さん達に、もっと安心・安全・もっと手軽に「購入」出来る法案が立案される事になったのです。私自身もこの法案の立法に多く携わることになり、所謂「ディスペンサリー」と呼ばれる医療用大麻の購入が可能な販売店の設立やライセンス制度を確立する為に、様々な人と携わる事になりました。
In America, we have this saying, it's kind of like, when you call into the radio station you request a call, you say, “long time listener or first time caller?”, right? Cannabis has been around for a long time, and I've been a long-time admirer of the culture of the plant, knowing it more for the medicinal side, helping with cancer and certain epilepsy, different health elements that kind of plague the United States, but also globally. In 2015, the state of Hawaii started to mobilize towards providing a sensible purchase point for cannabis patients. Going back to 2001, Hawaii was the first state in the nation to legislate medical treatments. Most of the states before had done it through voter recognition, where the individuals come together and they say, “hey, governing body, do you want to make a change?”
In America, we have this saying, it's kind of like, when you call into the radio station you request a call, you say, “long time listener or first time caller?”, right? Cannabis has been around for a long time, and I've been a long-time admirer of the culture of the plant, knowing it more for the medicinal side, helping with cancer and certain epilepsy, different health elements that kind of plague the United States, but also globally. In 2015, the state of Hawaii started to mobilize towards providing a sensible purchase point for cannabis patients. Going back to 2001, Hawaii was the first state in the nation to legislate medical treatments. Most of the states before had done it through voter recognition, where the individuals come together and they say, “hey, governing body, do you want to make a change?”
I believe there were 106, only 8 of them possibly could have gotten it and of the 8 that did receive the license we consulted on 7 of those applications. Early on, a group that I founded was instrumental in moving the bar forward for patients' rights with respect to medical cannabis. Around that time 2015-16, my dad came down with cancer and I really leaned it. I was looking at how impactful it could be in just helping him. So it became more of a personal approach for me. I was very involved for the rights of the patients, for the rights of my father just to make sure that he could live another day in comfort, in peace. Fortunately, he survived and I think a lot of that is due in part to cannabis. That's really what pushed me forward.

シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
15年以上もの間、携わっていたのですね。では、いつCBDの輸出販売業を行う「ウマミ アンリミテッド社」を始めたのですか?
15 years of experience learning. When did you start Umami Unlimited to supply CBD?
15 years of experience learning. When did you start Umami Unlimited to supply CBD?
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
「ウマミ アンリミテッド社」は、パンデミック渦に開始したプロジェクトです。2020年10月に私と亮さんと、日本でのCBD市場の可能性ついて議論し、今が好機と捉えられたからです。日本が迎えている高齢化社会、そしてアメリカでのCBD市場規模、そして何より亮さんとのビジネスパートナーとしての関係に潜在価値があると思ったからです。私たちが、一緒にプロジェクトを進めることで、日本の皆さんにCBDの素晴らしい有用性を正しく伝えれと思ったからです。
Umami Unlimited began as a pandemic project. October of 2020, you and I sat down and we looked at the opportunity of what was happening in Japan as far as CBD acceptance from medicinal capacity. Looking at the aging population of Japan, then recognizing the number of products that were available in the United States that we could, with our relationship between your background and mine that we could really create something that could help the aging population in Japan. Also, trying to provide a little bit of awareness for the business culture of what CBD is. That's yeah 2020 October, yeah?
Umami Unlimited began as a pandemic project. October of 2020, you and I sat down and we looked at the opportunity of what was happening in Japan as far as CBD acceptance from medicinal capacity. Looking at the aging population of Japan, then recognizing the number of products that were available in the United States that we could, with our relationship between your background and mine that we could really create something that could help the aging population in Japan. Also, trying to provide a little bit of awareness for the business culture of what CBD is. That's yeah 2020 October, yeah?
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Yeah. That's right. All right, so how is CBD currently be used in the United States, more focused on CBD?
Yeah. That's right. All right, so how is CBD currently be used in the United States, more focused on CBD?
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
CBD is good for topical application. It's good for edible application. It's good for tincture. It's really used for anti-stress, calmness and pain relief.
CBD is good for topical application. It's good for edible application. It's good for tincture. It's really used for anti-stress, calmness and pain relief.

シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Okay, how about THC?
Okay, how about THC?
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
THC, all of the same things however THC has been associated with some psychotropic experiences. A little bit of altered state of reality. Maybe an extended sense of euphoria, maybe a heightened sense of joy, but also at the same time cutting down on social anxieties, cutting down on pain. At the same time, THC is a wonderful replacement for alcohol. THC is non-habit forming. It's a single molecule. Actually, when we talk about THC, we're talking about THC tri-delta 9, right? And there are many other deltas that are similar to THC but one molecule different, right? We have THC or Delta 8, Delta 7, Delta 10 which are all legal in the United States however they're not Delta 9.
THC, all of the same things however THC has been associated with some psychotropic experiences. A little bit of altered state of reality. Maybe an extended sense of euphoria, maybe a heightened sense of joy, but also at the same time cutting down on social anxieties, cutting down on pain. At the same time, THC is a wonderful replacement for alcohol. THC is non-habit forming. It's a single molecule. Actually, when we talk about THC, we're talking about THC tri-delta 9, right? And there are many other deltas that are similar to THC but one molecule different, right? We have THC or Delta 8, Delta 7, Delta 10 which are all legal in the United States however they're not Delta 9.
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
When do you think that marihuana will be legalized for recreational use in Hawaii?
When do you think that marihuana will be legalized for recreational use in Hawaii?
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
それは とても良い質問ですね。正直、私にはわかりませんが、今すぐに合法化されるべきだと私は考えています。今年もハワイ州の議会で議論されていますが、私には全く見通しがつきません。今年はその法案はまだ否決されていないので、もしかしたら今年中に法案が可決されるかもしれません。私は去年の時点で80%ぐらいの確率で可決されると思っていたので、今年は20%ぐらいの確率かな?もしかしたら来年なら?とそんな感じです。今現在ハワイ州議会で議論されている法案は、とても良く書かれている法案なのでもしかしたら?でも、あまり期待しないようにしています。この法案はボストンがあるマサチューセッツ州の嗜好用大麻法を原案に構築されたもので、誰にでも嗜好用大麻を公平に使用する権利を与えるということを前提に書かれているものです。ただ、政治的な利害関係も大いに関与してくる事なので、いつ可決されるかどうかは本当に分かりません。いつ可決されるべき法案なのか?と聞かれれば、もっと何年も前に可決されるべき法案だ、と私は考えています。
Whoa that's a good question. It should be legalized immediately but I don't know. There's this eternal battle at the state legislature. I really don't have a clear picture. There's like a 25% chance that it could this year. I thought that there was an 80% chance last year that it would happen. Right now, there's a really good bill that's put forth in the legislative package. The attorney general drafted it under the commission of the governor but there's nuance to that. While it's a wonderful bill. It's modeled after Massachusetts where Boston is. It's modeled after the state of Massachusetts's recreational adult-use cannabis program. It brings in all kinds of ideas about equity allowing minorities to have a priority when they get the license, really creating a level playing field. It's something that many people should agree on, but there's politics about it. When will it happen? I have no crystal ball. When should it happen? Years ago. Yeah.
Whoa that's a good question. It should be legalized immediately but I don't know. There's this eternal battle at the state legislature. I really don't have a clear picture. There's like a 25% chance that it could this year. I thought that there was an 80% chance last year that it would happen. Right now, there's a really good bill that's put forth in the legislative package. The attorney general drafted it under the commission of the governor but there's nuance to that. While it's a wonderful bill. It's modeled after Massachusetts where Boston is. It's modeled after the state of Massachusetts's recreational adult-use cannabis program. It brings in all kinds of ideas about equity allowing minorities to have a priority when they get the license, really creating a level playing field. It's something that many people should agree on, but there's politics about it. When will it happen? I have no crystal ball. When should it happen? Years ago. Yeah.
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Yeah. I think so. What will be the impact to Hawaii? What kind of change do you think is going to happen if it’s legalized for recreational use?
Yeah. I think so. What will be the impact to Hawaii? What kind of change do you think is going to happen if it’s legalized for recreational use?
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
There's this consideration that if it does become legalized, many of our foreign tourists from Asia, from the East will not come. There is a stigma that guests from Japan may stay away because cannabis is so taboo in Japan. But people in the industry don't see it that way. People in the industry see an opportunity where, again, going back to the educational component of what cannabis is, what it can do for you from a business perspective, from a health perspective, from a recreational perspective, from a cultural perspective. And we know that there's a lot of curiosity, especially curiosity that comes from a very staunch abolitionist perspective, one that's puritanical that says, “No, you cannot do this.” Well, if someone tells you you cannot, there's a question of why not?
There's this consideration that if it does become legalized, many of our foreign tourists from Asia, from the East will not come. There is a stigma that guests from Japan may stay away because cannabis is so taboo in Japan. But people in the industry don't see it that way. People in the industry see an opportunity where, again, going back to the educational component of what cannabis is, what it can do for you from a business perspective, from a health perspective, from a recreational perspective, from a cultural perspective. And we know that there's a lot of curiosity, especially curiosity that comes from a very staunch abolitionist perspective, one that's puritanical that says, “No, you cannot do this.” Well, if someone tells you you cannot, there's a question of why not?
And on the other side, when why is not answered effectively. Well, if there's an opportunity to come and learn while there's structure, while there are rules, while there's a protocol that our guests to Hawaii can understand and participate and provide their own perspective to, then it would be a good thing. I think that there's a lot of opportunity and I think that there's a lot of potential enjoyment, a lot more relaxation and really experiencing paradise for what it could be.
And on the other side, when why is not answered effectively. Well, if there's an opportunity to come and learn while there's structure, while there are rules, while there's a protocol that our guests to Hawaii can understand and participate and provide their own perspective to, then it would be a good thing. I think that there's a lot of opportunity and I think that there's a lot of potential enjoyment, a lot more relaxation and really experiencing paradise for what it could be.
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Okay, nice. What kind of CBD product is really popular in Hawaii like gummies or tincture?
Okay, nice. What kind of CBD product is really popular in Hawaii like gummies or tincture?
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
It depends which population but I think overall the gummy is probably the most popular. It's something that is lab-tested. You know the health benefit of it. You know the nutrition of what's going into it, how much sugar, how much sodium, what additives if any are going into this product and there's tracing of where it was made, how it was made and what other products have gone into it. There's a lot of safety in that from an edible component. Additionally from a health perspective, a topical perspective, the salve is a really good thing. It's kind of like Tiger Balm but with CBD and I use that almost daily. It's super good.
It depends which population but I think overall the gummy is probably the most popular. It's something that is lab-tested. You know the health benefit of it. You know the nutrition of what's going into it, how much sugar, how much sodium, what additives if any are going into this product and there's tracing of where it was made, how it was made and what other products have gone into it. There's a lot of safety in that from an edible component. Additionally from a health perspective, a topical perspective, the salve is a really good thing. It's kind of like Tiger Balm but with CBD and I use that almost daily. It's super good.
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Nice. Like SHAKA brand?
Nice. Like SHAKA brand?

クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
SHAKA brand CBD. I'll also say this, for my hay fever, I take SHAKA brand tincture and for the last three years, no issue with my SHAKA brand tincture and allergy or I'm sorry hay fever.
SHAKA brand CBD. I'll also say this, for my hay fever, I take SHAKA brand tincture and for the last three years, no issue with my SHAKA brand tincture and allergy or I'm sorry hay fever.
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Hay fever. That’s huge.
Hay fever. That’s huge.
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
とっても調子が良いですよ。 あと風味も大麻独特の芳香があって良いです。亮さんがテルペン等の成分をうまく調合しているのではないですか?あと、私の友人で2016年に肺がんステージ4とい診断された人がいます。彼は喫煙もしたこともなく突然ステージ4の診断だったのですが、カンナビスの中でもRSO「Rick Simpson Oil」と言われるオイルを摂取することで、がんを克服しました。2021年には私の結婚式にも出席し、2022年に非常に活発に活動していました。しかし2023年には癌が再発。私は、彼にシャカブランドのティンクチュアをお勧めしました。そして幸運な事に彼は再度がんを克服する事できました。
It's super good. And the flavor is so neutral. As a formulation specialist, you've done an incredible job with this so thank you. Also, there is a marijuana, a cannabis patient diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in 2016 and never smoked a single day in his life. Stage 4 suddenly, lungs. He was taking this cannabis product called RSO, Rick Simpson Oil, and it killed the cancer. Here he is, 2021, comes to my wedding, 2022, living his best life. 2023, cancer comes back. He's been taking the RSO so long that maybe it's effective, maybe it's not. I suggested that he try the SHAKA brand CBD tincture. And after using this religiously, no issue whatsoever, suddenly the cancer gone. Really a testament to what CBD can do and to what you've created. Thank you again.
It's super good. And the flavor is so neutral. As a formulation specialist, you've done an incredible job with this so thank you. Also, there is a marijuana, a cannabis patient diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in 2016 and never smoked a single day in his life. Stage 4 suddenly, lungs. He was taking this cannabis product called RSO, Rick Simpson Oil, and it killed the cancer. Here he is, 2021, comes to my wedding, 2022, living his best life. 2023, cancer comes back. He's been taking the RSO so long that maybe it's effective, maybe it's not. I suggested that he try the SHAKA brand CBD tincture. And after using this religiously, no issue whatsoever, suddenly the cancer gone. Really a testament to what CBD can do and to what you've created. Thank you again.
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
様々なテルペン類が入ったブロードスペクトラムCBDです。 ではこれからのカンナビスの役割は、どうなると思いますか?
Lots of good terpenes in there. Okay, so finally, please tell us about the ideal features of cannabis in your opinion.
Lots of good terpenes in there. Okay, so finally, please tell us about the ideal features of cannabis in your opinion.
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
When it comes to CBD, there are so many. When it comes to hemp, there are so many. When it comes to cannabis, there are so many. One of my favorite ideas is a consumption bar where you can go and there's no alcohol, but you can have cannabis-infused drink. You can have CBD-infused drink. You can watch a movie all together. You can listen to music. You can dance. You can listen to comedy. I would love to see a consumption bar. I would love to see consumption tours. I would love to see our guests to Hawaii walking through fields of cannabis under gigantic cola buds. If you've never seen a cola bud outside in a forest of other cannabis trees, it's amazing. It's just walking through a full sensory experience from sight to smell to touch to the way that the wind whispers through the majestic seven-point leaf of the cannabis plant. It's really profound.
When it comes to CBD, there are so many. When it comes to hemp, there are so many. When it comes to cannabis, there are so many. One of my favorite ideas is a consumption bar where you can go and there's no alcohol, but you can have cannabis-infused drink. You can have CBD-infused drink. You can watch a movie all together. You can listen to music. You can dance. You can listen to comedy. I would love to see a consumption bar. I would love to see consumption tours. I would love to see our guests to Hawaii walking through fields of cannabis under gigantic cola buds. If you've never seen a cola bud outside in a forest of other cannabis trees, it's amazing. It's just walking through a full sensory experience from sight to smell to touch to the way that the wind whispers through the majestic seven-point leaf of the cannabis plant. It's really profound.
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Thank you. Cool.
Thank you. Cool.
クリス (ハワイCBD事業者)
At the same time, as a food scientist or former food scientist, you can appreciate the gourmet perspective of what CBD and THC dinners could actually provide. You know when you have a good hoppy IPA beer, those hops also contain cannabinoids, some of the same molecular structure that is in the bud of the cannabis plant. So similar and so much synergy and what can be done with this plant and hospitality that's already so pervasive in Hawaii's culture. Yeah?
At the same time, as a food scientist or former food scientist, you can appreciate the gourmet perspective of what CBD and THC dinners could actually provide. You know when you have a good hoppy IPA beer, those hops also contain cannabinoids, some of the same molecular structure that is in the bud of the cannabis plant. So similar and so much synergy and what can be done with this plant and hospitality that's already so pervasive in Hawaii's culture. Yeah?
シャカブランドハワイ (メーカー)
Alright sounds good.
Alright sounds good.