Sustainable & Environmentally Goal

Environmentally friendly product development and information dissemination originating from Hawaii


We believe that by deepening our knowledge of the global environment and gradually expanding our awareness, we can leave beautiful oceans and nature to the next generation. We are a small start-up company in Hawaii to develop products that can disseminate information between Hawaii and Japan, which are connected by the ocean, and to manufacture and distribute packaging that uses plant-based ingredients that have a low environmental impact and reduce marine debris and plastic.

The impact of human life on the natural environment

Humans have a major impact on nature.

The sea and nature give us excitement and healing. Hawaiian culture called "ALOHA'' indicates that people always consider each other and cooperate with each other. This wonderful spirit has been passed down unchanged. Surfers, who live their lives around the ocean on a daily basis, are sensitive to changes in theocean and nature. The amount of plastic floating in the ocean is increasing, and the number of corals, fish, and marine life is decreasing year by year. Over the past 30 years, the ocean ecosystem has been destroyed by humans as a result of prioritizing excessive consumption and economic activities. Recent scientific evidence from numerous studies shows that Hawaii's beautiful nature continues to be lost. We need to think about the ocean and its original natural environment, and leave a more beautiful earth to the next generation. Everyone has the same feeling. That's why, let's all work together and love the earth in our own way! "SHAKA BRAND HAWAII'' continues its activities with the belief that this small action will one day become a huge sensation.



Kui Lai Cliffs was born out of the desire to protect the nature of Diamond Head, which is also a surf spot, by volunteers from Oahu surfers.
Harmful non-native plants have a strong reproductive capacity and monopolize the nutrients and water contained in the soil, resulting in deterioration of soil quality and further soil erosion.
As surfers in Hawaii, we've seen soil runoff and toxic human sunscreens kill corals and destroy ocean ecosystems.
This garden, which is full of native Hawaiian plants, also works to make more people aware of the work of ecological restoration.
Ecological restoration is an environmental activity that utilizes the healing power of nature to restore ecosystems that have been destroyed by humans.

Tell your story


And optional subtext

About us


We, Nakahara and Kubota met over 10 years ago through surfing. Nakahara runs a website called GONAMINORI that connects surfers in Hawaii and Japan. Kubota, who was co-representative of the Surfrider Foundation Oahu at the time, joined as a blogger.

Kubota has been involved in various environmental issues for a long time, including holding a screening of a film about the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Rokkasho Village (Rokkasho Village Rhapsody) on Oahu while conducting beach cleanup activities as part of the Surfrider Foundation.

During the Great East Japan Earthquake, Nakahara collected donations through GONAMINORI's WE ARE ONE project, sponsored by Hawaii-based professional surfer Kirby Fukunaga, and went to Tohoku immediately after the earthquake with relief supplies collected from Hawaii to help with recovery efforts.

Due to the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, radioactive materials leaked into the sea, and the tsunami caused a large amount of plastic garbage to be washed away, along with many lives.

This isn't anyone's fault, it's just a fact that happened. However, these experiences are the origin of SHAKA BRAND HAWAII.

We have learned many things from the sea and nature of Japan and Hawaii, met many people, and had valuable experiences.

With this project, we hope to be able to love the earth in our own way, give back to everyone who has supported us, and deliver "ALOHA" to even more people.


Ph.D., University of Hawaii at Manoa. Food and cosmetics formulator. Kuiley Cliffs representative. Former Surfrider Foundation Oahu co-representative. 43 years old. While working on research, product development, and surfing, I also work on environmental issues.


Designer, web, video, Goodriddance representative
A creator who really wants to stay in Hawaii forever. 42 year old who loves subculture and surfing. The father of twin daughters. Used to think that people who talked about the environment were hypocrites, but now that I know more about the issues, I think environmental activists are really cool.